Drink More Water

It’s not really a revolution of mine but I am going to try and drink more water. Usually, my daily drinking routine was in the morning I’d drink coffee or hot chocolate to wake me up a bit. For lunch, I usually had a sweet tea or some kind of juice and for dinner, I’d have milk or sweet tea. At practices, I would drink water of course but it was normally only a 16.9 oz. bottle of water from Kroger but that’s not enough water for me to drink. I have the hardest time drinking water just to drink it. I just don’t find it satisfying like a nice cold glass of sweet tea but rumor has it that water can help you lose weight. It would be nice to drop off a few extra pounds that only slow me down in sports. Plus drinking water before you eat can reduce the amount of food you eat because it is filling. I’m just going to have to try it out myself and see if I can tell a difference in myself and my performance in sports.

Water by Brian Smithson using a CC BY 2.0 license